The highly qualified painters at Parkstaete Schilderwerken are experts in top quality interior and exterior paintwork. We are also happy to advise you on how to create a comfortable working or living environment. Our painters’ consistently apply their expertise to achieve an optimum result. In addition, we work according to the OnderhoudNL Garantie (Dutch Maintenance Guarantee), the AF-Erkenningsregeling (AF Qualification System) quality standards.
For interior and exterior paintwork, large and small projects in The Hague and the surrounding area: Parkstaete Schilderwerken is known for delivering good quality. We work according to the wishes of our clients and keep the client informed about the progress of the project. Experience shows that our customers really appreciate the weekly evaluations. The agreements made will be reviewed upon delivery. This gives a satisfactory project result. Read the reviews here "Klanten Vertellen".