Van Drenkwaertstraat – Benoordenhout
The owner of this extraordinarily bright house on the Benoordenhout would only entrust the work on his property to a qualified painter and decorator. What an honour that, by word of mouth, he eventually approached Parkstaete Schilderwerken. As a member of the Royal OnderhoudNL, we, with our qualified, professional staff, were able to fulfil all the wishes of the client. For the indoor work, we agreed to use the products of Sikkens and Farrow & Ball, with a five-year guarantee certificate. The floors and balconies of this property were a unique challenge; they were in need of renovation. By using the correct PU and epoxy finish, Parkstaete protected the concrete floors for years to come against damp. For the rest of the construction jobs such as plastering and replacement of a rotten steel construction, we once again were able to rely on our usual partner, Alexandria Garantie Aannemers. After fifteen working days, the entire project was completed and the living pleasure guaranteed for many years.